
5 fantastic ways to experience Myanmar

Paradise is hiding in Myanmar, with its beautiful golden sunsets, which are best viewed from one of a plethora of gilded pagodas, which dot the lush landscape. The country formerly known as Burma has the power to delight even the most seasoned traveller. Myanmar is home to majestic rivers, sacred stupas, amazingly rich architectural sites, charming people, beautiful landscapes and a kind of surreal feeling as if you stepped back into the early 20th century.

Myanmar travel experiences-1

In a country where Buddhism is still a way of life, there’s so much to see that it’s really challenging to decide how to best enjoy this wonderful country. So we asked the travel booking website Flymya to help us handpick 5 fantastic ways to experience Myanmar, for the discerning traveller.

1. Glamorous Myanmar – 14-day tour

A super tour choice of 14 days that takes in Yangon, Bagan, Mt. Popa, Mandalay, Pyin Oolwin, Hsibaw, Inle lake and Mandalay. After checking into your 4-star Yangon hotel, sightseeing includes a visit to Sule Pagoda, the colonial area, the Chaukhtatgyi Reclining Buddha and one of the wonders of the world – the Shwedagon Pagoda.

Glamorous Myanmar-Shwedagon 8

The next day in Mandalay, experiences include a visit to Amarapura – the country’s ancient capital, a visit to a silk weaving factory, observing monks, traditional handicrafts and an unforgettable sunset. This tour offers an amazing array of fascinating landscapes, experiences for the senses, and a richness of cultural offerings.

2. Passage to the southern Peninsula – 12-day tour

Explore the passage to the southern peninsula overland and by boat, discovering hidden villages and beaches along the way. One of the many highlights of this package is a scenic boat trip which takes you to the hidden town of Taninthryi.

Myanmar Passage to the southern peninsula-Myawyit Pagoda - Dawei

The passage takes you to Yangon, Golden Rock, Hpa An, Malamying, Dawei, Myeik and Kawthaung. You may feel the urge to rise earlier than normal so as not to miss some of the remarkable sunrises. This tour is full of beautiful sights, including plenty of temples, alluring landscapes, and the famous cave of ten thousand Buddhas.

3. Amazing Myanmar – 10-day tour

From puppet shows to panoramic views, and from umbrella making villages to traditional fishing and floating villages, this 10-day tour really packs in lots of what is amazing about Myanmar.

Amazing Myanmar-Mount Popa

Check out the range of locations that make up this package – Mandalay, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Bagan, Mt. Popa, Kalaw, Pindaya, Inle, Taunggyi and Heho.

4. Fascinating Myanmar- 9-day tour

Floating gardens and floating villages, silk weaving, wood carving and sunsets enjoyed from the top of Mandaly Hill are a few of the treats included in this 9-day tour package. This itinerary takes in Yangon, Inle, Mandalay, Mingun, Mt-Popa and Bagan. Visit some of the most sacred images of Buddha in the whole country, and some remarkable pagodas. Take a river cruise that lets you witness fascinating landscapes and the daily life of those who live along the Ayerarwaddy River.

Fascinating Myanmar-Mandalay mountain and kyone gyi

En route to the extinct volcano, Mt. Popa, which is known as the “Home of the Spirits” you can absorb rural life and take advantage of great photo opportunities. In Bagan there’s a packed day of exciting sightseeing, which culminates in a marvellous sunset viewed from the top of a temple.

5. Witness remote and unknown lands – 7 day tour

Taking in Kawthaung, Myeik, Dawei and Maung Magan beach, this wonderful package brings you to a gateway of hundreds of absolutely pristine islands and fantastic photo opportunities. See elegant architecture, pearls harvested by sea gypsies, old monasteries and breathtaking sunsets over the islands.

Myanmar unknown lands-Maungmagan

See pagodas, reclining Buddhas, colonial buildings, crab farms, typical wooden fishing boats, paddy fields, breathtaking nature and meet the ethnic craftspeople of the area.

Image #1: Shutterstock
